A 23-year-old pregnant woman caused a stir at the Lagos State Police Command headquarters on Thursday after she confessed that she had sold her unborn baby for N200,000, in advance. The suspect, Adaeze Mba, who was arrested for conniving with her husband to sell their neighbour’s four-year-old son for N400, 000, said it was poverty that pushed them to crime. She confessed that she and her husband, Chibueze, had sold two other children for N700, 000. She said, “In March 2013, my neighbour’s son, Stanley Ezeaka, was following me about in the compound at Jakande Estate and it was at that time that my husband received a phone call from his partner that she needed a child for sale. My husband then suggested that we took Stanley even though he was a bit old. “We travelled to Imo State the following morning and sold him for N400, 000 after which we relocated to Calabar.” When asked why she took to crime and how she would feel if someone bought her own children, she said, “I am se...